Introduction: Hypertriglyceridemia is a frequent dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes.\nWe aimed to determine its prevalence, its typology, and its associated\nfactors in newly type 2 diabetes patients in Ouagadougou. Material and Method:\nThis cross-sectional, descriptive and analytic study has been performed\nfrom May 2015 to June 2016 in the Internal medicine department in Yalgado\nOuédraogo teaching hospital, Ouagadougou. An accidental sample of newly\ntype 2 diabetes outpatients, naïve of antidiabetics therapy was studied. A\n12-hour fasting triglyceridemia was performed; hypertriglyceridemia was defined\nfor triglyceridemia > 1.5 g/L (1.7 mmol/L). Data were analyzed with Epi\ninfo Proportions and means were compared respectively with Khi2 or\nFisherâ??s test and Studentâ??s test with a significance of p < 5%. Results: One\nhundred and three patients, i .e . 35 (34%) men and 68 (66%) women were included.\nThe sex ratio was 0.51 and the mean......................